July 9, 2024

📷 Osawa MC 70–210mm ƒ/4–5 🎞️ Ilford HP5 Plus 400

close up of a a flower
with a bee on it.
the bee is reaching down
between the petals
and you can see its fuzzy butt.
description close up of a a flower with a bee on it. the bee is reaching down between the petals and you can see its fuzzy butt.
the top edge of
the corner of a stone building
covered in vines.
there are two pillars
going up towards the top.
the left one is covered in vines
and the right one is bare.
between the pillars is the top of a window.
description the top edge of the corner of a stone building covered in vines. there are two pillars going up towards the top. the left one is covered in vines and the right one is bare. between the pillars is the top of a window.
a small bird perched atop a roof peak,
looking towards me.
I believe this was a cardinal.
description a small bird perched atop a roof peak, looking towards me. I believe this was a cardinal.
the side of a brick building
centred around the brick
bearing the erection year.
the raised portions of the 19
have fallen off,
and only the 08 is left.
above this is the edge of the roof
and below it are two ornamental bricks
at the tops of windows.
description the side of a brick building centred around the brick bearing the erection year. the raised portions of the 19 have fallen off, and only the 08 is left. above this is the edge of the roof and below it are two ornamental bricks at the tops of windows.
close up of a spiky ball flower.
on the left a butterfly is perched on it,
on the bottom right a bee.
there is another spiky ball flower
below the butterfly.
description close up of a spiky ball flower. on the left a butterfly is perched on it, on the bottom right a bee. there is another spiky ball flower below the butterfly.
three vertically stacked power lines
at a junction where two sets
of three smaller cables
go off in opposite directions.
the dark lines contrast nicely
against the lighter background.
description three vertically stacked power lines at a junction where two sets of three smaller cables go off in opposite directions. the dark lines contrast nicely against the lighter background.
a ladder leading to the top of a roof
against the sky.
the ladder is quite a bit taller
than it needs to be
so it ascends into the sky
a little bit.
description a ladder leading to the top of a roof against the sky. the ladder is quite a bit taller than it needs to be so it ascends into the sky a little bit.
the column of bricks
that was once a chimney
on the side of a triangular roofed house.
the bricks are painted a light colour
but it is peeling in many places.
there is one of those wireframe
rectangular sort of satellite dish things
on the side of the column.
description the column of bricks that was once a chimney on the side of a triangular roofed house. the bricks are painted a light colour but it is peeling in many places. there is one of those wireframe rectangular sort of satellite dish things on the side of the column.