view looking up
at the corner of a weird bit
of a house's balcony type thing.
the top edge of the roof
extends over the edge of the inset balcony.
I have no idea how to explain it.
there are trees around it
and sky behind it.
two small shattered lightbulbs
on a sidewalk.
they appear to be actual bulbs
surrounded by plastic,
and it's the plastic that's shattered.
the reflection of
a big concrete block factory-turned-office building
in a large puddle.
an unnecessarily large concrete block
of a building
that I'm pretty sure was once factories
but is now office space.
there are two sections about 11 storeys tall
separated by a narrow section
that is only 3.
a view close to the ground
on some railroad tracks
right before they go around a bend.
a broken wooden picture frame
on a wet sidewalk