June 25, 2024

📷 Yashica DSB 50mm ƒ/1.9 🎞️ Ilford HP5 Plus 400

the side of a building
that's been covered in
some sort of construction fabric,
perhaps tyvek,
then had horizontal boards of wood
nailed over it.
the fabric is torn in places
and hanging down over itself.
description the side of a building that's been covered in some sort of construction fabric, perhaps tyvek, then had horizontal boards of wood nailed over it. the fabric is torn in places and hanging down over itself.
the front of a large apartment block
under construction
which hasn't yet
had its exterior wall installed.
there are balcony platforms
jutting out from the building
with no walls or railings.
description the front of a large apartment block under construction which hasn't yet had its exterior wall installed. there are balcony platforms jutting out from the building with no walls or railings.
a backyard with spiral staircase
descending into it,
a wooden fence
and brick dividing wall,
lights hanging between
the staircase and somewhere unseen.
the back door
has a small "beware of dog" sign
in the bottom corner.
description a backyard with spiral staircase descending into it, a wooden fence and brick dividing wall, lights hanging between the staircase and somewhere unseen. the back door has a small "beware of dog" sign in the bottom corner.
a low,
short and wide
window into a basement
in a stone wall.
there is a metal grate
in front of the window
with a pattern of three
sideways H shapes
separated by straight vertical bars.
description a low, short and wide window into a basement in a stone wall. there is a metal grate in front of the window with a pattern of three sideways H shapes separated by straight vertical bars.
a small horizontal metal door
in a plaster wall
with very flaky paint.
there are two holes
in the small door,
a smaller one in the top left
and a larger one in the bottom right.
there are stars,
possibly stickers,
placed around the opening.
description a small horizontal metal door in a plaster wall with very flaky paint. there are two holes in the small door, a smaller one in the top left and a larger one in the bottom right. there are stars, possibly stickers, placed around the opening.
four large flexible fabric tubes
coming out of various windows
in the side of a school building.
description four large flexible fabric tubes coming out of various windows in the side of a school building.
the top of a building
where a weirdly small
cube sticks up above
the rest of the roof,
with a full size window
in the side.
cloudy sky behind the protrusion.
description the top of a building where a weirdly small cube sticks up above the rest of the roof, with a full size window in the side. cloudy sky behind the protrusion.
a cat sitting up
in the open window
of a weird tall garage extension type thing.
its fur is sticking through the chicken wire
that covers the bottom half of the window.
description a cat sitting up in the open window of a weird tall garage extension type thing. its fur is sticking through the chicken wire that covers the bottom half of the window.
an automatic sprinkler fire alarm
on an external brick wall.
description an automatic sprinkler fire alarm on an external brick wall.
a flat trolley
with rope sitting on it.
the floor of the trolley
is warped upwards.
description a flat trolley with rope sitting on it. the floor of the trolley is warped upwards.
a view into the interior courtyard
of an abandoned building
with a haphazardly boarded up window.
description a view into the interior courtyard of an abandoned building with a haphazardly boarded up window.
an old style street lamp post
in the middle of some leafy vines
on a wooden alley wall.
description an old style street lamp post in the middle of some leafy vines on a wooden alley wall.
a little lantern house thing
hanging from a tree,
viewed from the corner.
description a little lantern house thing hanging from a tree, viewed from the corner.
some piece of broken mechanical equipment
lying on the ground next to a tree
among little plants.
description some piece of broken mechanical equipment lying on the ground next to a tree among little plants.
a cat looking sleepy
lying on a little bench
with a blanket over it
on someone's porch.
behind it is a window
with a cat flap
and to the right is a bicycle.
description a cat looking sleepy lying on a little bench with a blanket over it on someone's porch. behind it is a window with a cat flap and to the right is a bicycle.
mechanical bits
at the bottom corner
of a big metal dumpster bin
you use to dispose of
construction detritus.
description mechanical bits at the bottom corner of a big metal dumpster bin you use to dispose of construction detritus.