April 20, 2024

📷 EF-S 55–250mm ƒ/4–5.6 IS STM

close up of a squirrel atop a dark wood fence.
its tail is curled on its back
and it's facing left but looking at the camera.
there are crumbs of dirt
around its mouth and whiskers.
you can see the little claws
of its front paw in the foreground,
while the other paw is curled to its chest.
1/200 · ƒ/5.6 · 149 mm · 200 ISO
description close up of a squirrel atop a dark wood fence. its tail is curled on its back and it's facing left but looking at the camera. there are crumbs of dirt around its mouth and whiskers. you can see the little claws of its front paw in the foreground, while the other paw is curled to its chest.
a pigeon standing upright on some concrete.
it's a usual grey city pigeon,
with a mix of light and dark feathers
on its wings,
purple and green areas up its neck,
and red feet.
in the blurred background
another pigeon is strutting past.
1/320 · ƒ/5.6 · 157 mm · 200 ISO
description a pigeon standing upright on some concrete. it's a usual grey city pigeon, with a mix of light and dark feathers on its wings, purple and green areas up its neck, and red feet. in the blurred background another pigeon is strutting past.
a tall shot of the back of a beautifully coloured building.
the brick wall has been painted a sort of pink,
or at least it's faded to that colour.
there is a splotch in the middle
where the paint has worn off the brick,
along with some stray bricks
elsewhere that have been replaced.
the spiral stairs descending
from the back balconies of two floors
have also been painted red,
but have faded to pink
closer to the top.
everything is a little crooked.
the old wooden-framed windows
on the left,
the more recently replaced doors,
and the balconies.
1/1000 · ƒ/5.6 · 55 mm · 200 ISO
description a tall shot of the back of a beautifully coloured building. the brick wall has been painted a sort of pink, or at least it's faded to that colour. there is a splotch in the middle where the paint has worn off the brick, along with some stray bricks elsewhere that have been replaced. the spiral stairs descending from the back balconies of two floors have also been painted red, but have faded to pink closer to the top. everything is a little crooked. the old wooden-framed windows on the left, the more recently replaced doors, and the balconies.
a CCTV camera on the corner
of a black corrugated metal building.
it's mounted on a beige rusting bracket
coming off the wall at a right angle.
it's an old-style boxy camera
with a little hood.
who knows if it's still connected to anything?
1/400 · ƒ/5.6 · 135 mm · 200 ISO
description a CCTV camera on the corner of a black corrugated metal building. it's mounted on a beige rusting bracket coming off the wall at a right angle. it's an old-style boxy camera with a little hood. who knows if it's still connected to anything?
a white pigeon walking in a paved alley.
its visible eye is a beautiful dark orange,
slightly lighter around its pupil.
its mostly white plumage
is dotted here and there by darker feathers,
and its tail feathers in particular are dark.
there's a hint of small green feathers
around its neck.
1/400 · ƒ/5.6 · 250 mm · 200 ISO
description a white pigeon walking in a paved alley. its visible eye is a beautiful dark orange, slightly lighter around its pupil. its mostly white plumage is dotted here and there by darker feathers, and its tail feathers in particular are dark. there's a hint of small green feathers around its neck.